While Chicago offers a wide array of resources, there are tons of organizations outside the city with institutional support and opportunities that simply can't be matched. Here are some of the organizations you should always keep your eye on, no matter where you live.
The Sundance InstituteMuch more than a film festival, the Sundance Institute provides some of the best opportunities for labs, grants, fellowships, and more. Though the competition is fierce, the rewards and connections are vast. Their various deadlines and programs are definitely worth keeping in your calendar throughout the year. For writers in particular, filling out the application alone is a good way to force yourself to consolidate your ideas around a project.
Independent Film ProjectSimilar to Sundance, the national Independent Film Project provides a good host of labs and programs, including documentary work. It is worth becoming a member so you can submit to said programs as well as subscribe to Filmmaker Magazine, which provides great interviews with filmmakers and case studies of different projects while supporting the independent film community as a whole.
The Black ListThe Black List is a an annual survey of Hollywood's favorite unproduced screenplays. Having hosted and submitted work for coverage in the past, I would definitely advise that you make sure your work is as polished as possible before submitting. The price can get a little high ($25 just to host, another $75 for a review...and you need a review in order to get anywhere), but the potential exposure is pretty great.
Austin Film FestivalHaving first had a script in the Austin Film Festival's Screenwriting Competition and subsequently asked to be a reader, AFF has become one of my annual go-to festivals. Being a festival for writers, AFF features tons of panelists who are approachable during the conference's laid-back setup. Highly recommended for any writers looking for inspiration or tips on how to advance their career.
Additional Resources Outside Chicago